Animated Number Counter


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Animated Number Counter

Number Counter is a lightweight, responsive, and mobile-friendly WordPress plugin that boasts extraordinary design and effects to make your numbers stand out and catch the eyes of visitors to your awesome WordPress website.


Display animated number counters in grid view.
Firstly, Number, title, and description can be set separately
Secondly, editable title font color, font size, line height, font hover color, font-family and more
Also, Drag and Drop ordering of the number counter
Customizable margin, padding, and text-alignment
Edit Border option for normal and hover state
Fully Responsive
33+ templates with the scope of creative alterations for new designs
Simple material design templates included
Also, it is User-friendly, minimal front-end and back-end interface
Touch-enable feature also added for Mobile devices
Unique layout design
It also, Fully and very easily customizable
The plugin is made with an accent on simplicity, and it is easy to use.
Most importantly, Number Counter templates are Sleek, clean, and modern design.
Manual responsive
Grid with Margin or No Margin.

Enhanced Custom Number Counter Options

Social links or internal/external link support through the Read More button
1,600+ Font Awesome icons are built-in with Number Counter Plugin
Background image, and opacity
Also have Parallax effect
After that, Append characters like $, + etc.
Also, support Widget option
Limitless counters can be used anywhere within the theme
Output your counters with the use of a shortcode facility
Custom CSS adding an option for maximum customization
In addition, Number Counter provide unlimited color schemes
Live preview available to show changes instantly
Moreover, it is easy to set up and configure
All browser compatible
However, The Premium templates available for PRO users

In conclusion, It makes easier for embedding in any pages or posts. You can also use this
plugin within page builders. This will add extra convenience to advanced users.

Free version now 1,000+ active installations on with Four Star Ratings. Finally, You can get free version from

Additional information

Lifetime License

1 Website – $9.99, 3 Websites – $19.99, 10 Websites – $29.99, 100 Websites – $49.99


14 Days – Free, Lifetime – $0.99